PrEP is a daily pill for the prevention of HIV and is free for all.

What does that mean?   

If you are insured, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans must cover PrEP medications and a number of baseline and monitoring services, including lab work (testing) and appointments, at no cost to you. There are programs to help with copays, deductibles, and provider visits, and may even help you pay your premiums. 

If uninsured, PrEP for the prevention of HIV is still FREE. Our navigation team will assist you with programs that cover the cost of PrEP medication, lab work (testing), and appointments for those who qualify.

HIV Care

Taking medication daily will get you to undetectable levels and should not come with any barriers.

What does that mean?

Insurance plans cannot drop you or deny you coverage just because you have a pre-existing or new health condition, and insurers cannot impose lifetime caps on your insurance benefits. There are programs to help with copays, deductibles, appointments, and even to help pay your insurance premiums. 

Once you achieve and maintain an undetectable viral load—the amount of HIV in the blood—by taking antiretroviral therapy (ART) daily as prescribed, you cannot sexually transmit the virus to others… Undetectable=Untransmittable U=U. Our navigators will assist you in removing any cost barriers. 

STI Testing Only

Insured Get tested for gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, hepatitis C, and HIV. Copays, deductibles, or co-insurance may apply.

What does that mean?

According to the ACA, all insurance plans must cover HIV testing for everyone ages 15 to 65 and other ages if you have a higher chance of getting HIV. Coverage for other STI tests, like for syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, may vary if you’re not on PrEP – if you’re on PrEP, these STI tests are covered 100% as part of your PrEP care. You may need to pay any deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance that your plan requires. Make sure you read your plan carefully or call your health insurance to have them explain your coverage so that you know what your plan will (and won’t) cover.

Uninsured  We have a PAY NOW program that allows you to get tested for gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, hepatitis C, and HIV for $150.00.

What does that mean?

Derby City PrEP offers a no-hassle STI appointment for $150 which will cover the cost of the appointment, lab fees, and treatment if needed. Some may qualify for a no-cost appointment and labs. 

Free HIV/PrEP Consultation

Find out your status. Whether negative or positive, it’s time to take charge of your sexual health.

What does that mean?

Derby City PrEP Clinic is a sexual health and wellness clinic. Our mission is to get to zero new HIV transmissions in Tennessee and Kentucky. A free consultation with one of our friendly providers in our shame-free environment can get you the answers you want. If your results are negative, we can provide you with the tools to remain HIV-free. If your results are positive for HIV, our caring team will help guide you through the steps to get to undetectable and resume a healthier you.

Can’t afford the visit and labs?

Derby City PrEP Clinic’s mission is to get to zero new transmission of HIV. We want to provide low to no-cost healthcare for everyone. For patients with limited income, there are programs that will cover the cost of your appointment and labs. If qualified, the cost of your appointment and labs with Derby City PrEP Clinic will be significantly more affordable than care with many other organizations. Derby City PrEP Clinic uses a mission-driven, needs-based approach to determine the level of assistance we can provide our patients.

Quick Reference Tables About Cost

I don’t want PrEP

Insurance Appointment Costs Testing Costs Treatment Costs
No, I’m Uninsured $150 Included Included
Yes, I’m Insured Variable per insurance Variable per insurance Variable per insurance

I don’t want PrEP

Appointment Cost
Uninsured – $150
Insured – Variable per insurance
Testing Costs
Uninsured – Included
Insured – Co-pay assistance available
Treatment Costs
Uninsured – Included
Insured – Co-pay assistance available

I want PrEP

Insurance Appointment Costs Testing Costs Treatment Costs
No, I’m Uninsured Full-cost assistance is available Full-cost assistance available Included
Yes, I’m Insured Co-pay assistance is available Co-pay assistance available Co-pay assistance available

I want PrEP

Appointment Cost
Uninsured – Assistance available
Insured – Co-pay assistance available
Testing Costs
Uninsured – Assistance available
Insured – Co-pay assistance available
Treatment Costs
Uninsured – Included
Insured – Co-pay assistance available